We are thrilled to invite you to the business lunch and meet with the President at the Lithuanian Confederation of Industrialists, Chairmen of the Board at BOD Group Mr. Vidmantas Janulevičius!
Today’s economic challenges have highlighted the importance of the transition to a green economy. Being resilient to fluctuations in energy prices is vital. Could Lithuania’s transition to renewables be the key to energy autonomy and resilience, as well as the key to attract investment to rural areas faster? If so, what needs to be done to accelerate this transition and to keep Lithuania among the fastest growing OECD economies?
During the presentation we will talk & discuss:
- The performance of Lithuania’s economy and the competitiveness of the Lithuania’s industry sector on the basis of key indicators covering business environment, innovation and skills;
- Energy and access to finance. Volatile prices of energy resources;
- The rise of the general rate of inflation, together with rising interest rates and decreasing businesses’ confidence because of geopolitical and economic instability are the major reasons negatively affecting Lithuania’s economy.
Date: 25th April, 10:00 – 13:00
Venue: Radisson Blu Royal Astorija
Participation fee: 40€;
Non-members fee: 50 €;
Working language: English
10:00 Registration
10:20 Welcome words by the organizers
10:30 Presentation by Mr. Vidmantas Janulevičius
10:50 Q & A
11:30 Lunch and mingle
13:00 End of the event
Do not miss this unique chance to get your questions answered and have a wonderful time networking with fellow SCCL members as well as Members of Nordic Baltic Chambers of Commerce!
Looking forward to seeing you there!